Friday, January 30, 2009

Acropolis - The Aftermath (2008)

ACROPOLIS is a power/progressive metal band originating from various places in Israel. The band was formed by guitar virtuoso Daniel Varfolomeyev and bassist Elad Manor (also in THE FADING) in 2001 under the name AREA 51 but broke up in early 2003. The band was reformed in 2005 with only Manor and Varfolomeyev from the older line-up and along with new vocalist Yochai Davidoff, THE FADING drummer Shaked Furman and ARAFEL keyboardist Alex Karlinksy. The band recorded The Aftermath, their debut EP from January 2007 until June 2008 in various studios in Israel and abroad, while the band's own Daniel Varfolomeyev produced the effort, it was mastered by Mike Jusilla (CHILDREN OF BODOM, NIGHTWISH) and released in October 2008 in a special launch party show in Tel Aviv, along with SOLITARY and ABRAGE as the opening acts.

01. Reveal Yourself
02. Atonement, Hear My Call
03. Red Redemption
04. Divine Cycle
05. Lead the Wake
06. The Chosen One Will Make A Sacrifice
07. Revive from Oblivion
Yochai Davidoff - lead vocals
Daniel Varfolomeyev - guitars, backing vocals, production, composition
Elad Manor - bass, backing vocals
Alex Karlinksy - keyboards, synthesizer
Shaked Furman - drums, percussion

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